PC Vs Console Gaming

In the gaming world, there are several options to choose from when it comes to the platform the game is being played on. There are PC games, and there are console games. The difference lies within the way the game is played.

Gaming is literally a lifestyle choice so each person prefers a slightly different approach when it comes to the way they play a game. Some like computer games, because computers allow them to customize the way they play the game along with certain tweaks in visual details and controls.

Consoles don't demand that you make such tweaks, since they're built with only games in mind. So when a game comes out and it's destined for PlayStation, then, if you own such a console, you're certain you can play that game.

But when a game comes out and it's made for PCs, then you have to check on what the system requirements that game has in order to be played properly. Since games rely heavily on the specs, or hardware of the "console" they're run, for PC users this would mean there's a constant struggle to stay ahead of the gaming developer world and build or purchase the ultimate gaming computer.

In certain cases, it's a lot easier to escape this struggle by purchasing a console and not having to worry if your system meets the necessary minimum hardware in order to run a game.

The downside to consoles is, in my opinion, the lack of precision in movements and control. For instance, if you were to play a shooter game or FPS for short, it would be really hard to aim at the opponents using a game pad.

On the other hand, when using a computer, it's really easy to aim using your mouse at the opponents since you can fine tune the mouse sensitivity and actually get the mouse to work at what speed you require.

Some peripherals allow you to adjust that sensitivity right in the gaming environment and those are called gaming peripherals. These are built only with PCs in mind.

Consoles on the other hand have developed in recent years to create a more engaging environment for the player.

We have seen a lot of new advancements in this area from the Wii remote, allowing you to physically "swing" a golf club, or in the Kinect world, actually detecting your body movements to interact in the gaming world. This means that a console user might get a bit more exercise than a regular PC gamer.

Also, there are certain games which might not work on consoles, like strategy games. These games rely heavily on the use of a computer mouse for unit selection and issuing commands.

There are a lot of advantages to PC gaming as well as console gaming, and there are specific games that can be played on both platforms, without the possibility of moving from one type to the other. It's a matter of level of engagement or immersion that each gamer requires that he get from the game itself.

We, Markets, have made a page about this specific topic entitled: PC Versus Console Gaming with more detailed information about the advantages and disadvantages of both types of platforms.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emanuel_Bucsa

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